Was very 'enlightening' this morning,

as CNBC, the Financial Netowrk, interviewed a Repub Congressman from Indiana, about the problem with American companies creating 'shell' headquarters overseas, to keep from paying taxes. Obama and the Dems are trying different solutions to keep the money 'in the country', mainly by closing loopholes and changing laws that were put into effect by lobbyists, which allow many corporations to pay little or NO taxes, which means higher taxes for the middle class. While the CNBC panel suggested many reforms and fixes, the Pub remained staunch, while saying the ONLY solution is to lower taxes for corporations, cuz they are the highest in the world. BUT, said Simon and the others, NONE of the corporations actually pay that amount, after their accountants and lawyers are done. Some actually get money returned to them, like the oil companies. BUT, no matter what was said, the Pub remained adamant. Lower taxes for big business! When it was pointed out that comprehensive tax reform could NEVER pass the divided congress, and SOMETHING needs to be done, he just hemmed and hawed and slithered away, content in defending big business against the 'little people' who pay their taxes. Nothing new here...


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