I am sorry to report

that Colorado has shut down all government and civilian activities under a haze of pot smoke. Trains will not run. Store shelves are bare. Citizens are rioting in a pot-induced trance. Tourists are avoiding the Sodom and Gomorrah called Colorado. Keep your children indoors and your money in the mattress!
Yes, many right wingnuts predicted terrible consequences, but six months after legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado, the sky still hasn't fallen. In fact, the same voters who voted to 'legalize it', now overwhelmingly say it was the right decision after seeing the resluts. Still a long way to go, as Colorado works out 'all the kinks', BUT, it seems like a 'win-win' as the Green Rush has many more positives, than negatives, even as the clowns of Bullshit Mountain, and other conservative outlets concentrate on the bad, while totally overlooking the good. Nothing new here, but always nice to say, "I told you so'.
PS. After coining the term 'right wingnut', I came across a picture of one. You're welcome.


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