On the national news,

they showed a crowd of people with signs blocking immigrant buses, saying they didn't want them in their town. I don't blame them. BUT, they also interviewed a woman with a sign saying 'Impeach Obama'. When asked why, she said, 'Cuz he could stop this, with a wall, and he doesn't do anything'. Sadly, a typical, right-wing ignorant response, from someone who doesn't know, 'the rest of the story', as Paul Harvey would say. First: Obama, and Boehner have TRIED to get the Pubs to consider and vote on an immigration bill, but they won't, cuz they'll be crucified in their gerrymandered, conservative districts if they even hint at compromise/negotiation. Second: The Dem controlled Senate passed a bill nearly DOUBLING the amount of money spent on border security, incl fences, guards and quicker deportation. The Pub controlled House 'shot it down', saying we couldn't afford it. BUT, FOXNews and other Repub propaganda outlets continually blame Obama for the border problems, including a GWBush bill that forces ALL children from 'non-contiguous' countries to get a hearing, before they are deported. That doesn't stop the right-wing-nuts from blaming Obama and the Dems for problems which they created, as always. Nothing new here, but it gets SO old...


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