Yup, I'm repeating myself, but it feels SO good,

to see and hear the loudmouth TeaBag, D-bag idiot, Rick Santelli, get taken down HARD, on national TV, as he continues to spout his rightwing, and TOTALLY WRONG (proven, time and again) bullshit. I wish I could buy Leisman a drink, or four, for staying calm and pointing out that if you'd have followed Rick's screaming rants, you'd have totally lost your ass, although I doubt his type has/had any money to begin with. Those who can't/won't understand technology/finance/politics have a real hard time in this world, and it's proven every day. Life is tough, but it's nearly impossible when you're Ignorant. BUT, at least they have a gathering place, as 'birds of a feather, they flock together' on Bullshit Mountain, where they have strength in numbers and they can feel good by finding idiots who agree with them. Click on the long and/or short version of Leisman's 'Take Down' of Santelli on a previous blog. Like I said, just a matter of time til' CNBC cans the jerk and he resurfaces on FOX, where opinion ALWAYS trumps facts. LMAO!


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