Interesting article in USAToday, this morning,

about Americans in debt, and where it's the worst, with states that have over 40% of their population being hounded by collection agencies. Notice anything about who/where it's the worst?

Southern states especially stand out with the highest concentration of people delinquent.  — Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico and West Virginia —

It's a Who's Who of Repub states. The HQ of the Republican Party. With low education and income, of COURSE they're gonna be in debt. Is anyone really surprised? Oh yeah, the sheep, who are constantly told they are better and smarter than the Dems. The only problem? Facts show just the opposite, as the Dem 'Blue' states pay the bills for the Pubs. Nothing new here...


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