Whether it was accidental, or not,

it was still ironic, when the Denver Post had two articles beside each other. One was about Hobby Lobby, who is Pro-Life, Anti-Choice, refusing to pay for contraception. The other article told how the numbesr of abortions and unwanted pregnancies were way down, because of more women using birth control. Duh, does anyone else see the irony and stupidity here? The religious owners of Hobby Lobby fight a woman's choice to have an abortion, after an unwanted pregnancy, AND fight contraception. You can't have it both ways. I know, 'Just Say No' is a real big with the right wingnuts, but it doesn't always work, in the real world. Pretty obvious, uless you're a right wingnut, and there's 'a lot that, going around', as the rightwing conservatives try (with some success) to force their views on the majority.


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