In another example of, 'What the hell

are these clowns thinking?', Bonehead finally announced just WHAT he is suing Obama over. I'm sure this lawsuit (stunt) makes sense to an oxygen deprived brain, buried deep in a rectal cavity, BUT, to the rest of us, it just proves the point that the Pubs have a real 'problem with reality.'

CNN) -- White House officials are scratching their heads over the decision by Republicans to sue President Barack Obama over his decision to delay a requirement in the health care law for businesses to provide coverage to employees.
That's because, as one senior administration official pointed out on Friday, those same lawmakers voted to do the exact same thing at virtually the exact same time -- defer until 2015 the part of Obamacare known as the employer mandate.
House Speaker John Boehner justified last July's vote, held days after the Obama administration action, as a repudiation of the executive decision to alter a major part of the politically-charged law just months before it was put into practice.
Just when you think they can't get any more ridiculous, they do something like this. I guess after voting to defund the ACA over FIFTY TIMES, you gotta do something different, no matter HOW stupid.


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