Two Repub judges are tryng to 'undo',

what voters and the Supreme Court have upheld, concerning the Affordable Care Act. Nothing new here, as Pubs go around public opinion to further their cause, which is making health care a 'big money' issue, where you can go bankrupt if you happen to get sick or injured. If this latest assault  remains successful we will continue to be the ONLY civilized nation in the world NOT to have govt health care, AND we pay the world's highest % of income for health care, as the Pubs fight all efforts to fix the problem. The big question? Why would average people support them? Oh yeah. They believe FOX  bullshit, controlled by Big Money(R). Nothing new here, as the Pubs use FOX propaganda to promote the profits of the 'few', against the health of the 'many', and the sheep eat it up....


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