Good website here, that PROVES,

what I've been saying for years.
 9 of the top 10 states for income/education are BLUE, as they PAY for 9 of the bottom 10 states, which are Red. Check out some other 'not surprising' facts about 'Red vs Blue States'.

The only exception to the first group is Alaska(R) which has their income artificially enhanced with a HUGE state '$ Give back' to the citizens, to share the oil wealth.

The only exception to the bottom group is New Mexico, who has the largest number of Native Americans in the country, which skews the state income WAY down. Other than that, it's the Old South, home of poverty, ignorance and (surprise!) the base of the Repub party.

Other than those 2 exceptions, the Dem Blue states support the Pub Red states. Not what the Repubs like to believe, but 'facts don't lie', FOX does. Nothing new here, but is always nice to shoot down opinions, with FACTS.
PS. The Pubs can say 'We're Number 1' at something. The Red states are WAY ahead in 'obesity'. Some things never change.


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