I can't imagine what it would be like,

(actually I can) to work with 'Rick the Dick' Santelli, as he CONTINUALLY makes the wrong economic calls, but just gets LOUDER as he is called out on them. SO, Ron Insana, who actually knows 'of what he speaks', and makes money for his followers, unlike Rantin Rick, has offered Santelli a wager. He'll bet several baskets, barrels, etc of commodities that deflation becomes more of a problem, and SOONER, than inflation. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101860367
Will Rick the Dick take the wager? OF COURSE NOT, cuz he will be proven wrong, AGAIN, and would have a public reckoning. He'd rather just keep spouting his crap, and get kudos from his double digit IQ Tea Party supporters, as he rants against all things Dem/Obama/Liberal/provable/realistic. Nothing new here, but I'm glad to see him getting called out, although he'll find a way to avoid the wager, cuz he's just a loudmouth jerk, who's been proven wrong for over 5 straight years, with nothing to back up his rants. Typical of his ilk....


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