FOX and the Pubs, (one and the same)

are crowing cuz a new poll has Obama as 'worst prez ever', and Reagan as best, BUT there's something they don't realize, or won't admit. When Dems vote for best, it's split almost evenly between JFK, Bill Clinton and Obama. The Pubs only vote for Reagan, cuz who else they gonna vote for? GW? When it comes to worst prez, the Pubs all pile on Obama, with Carter a distant 2nd, at 6%, while the Dems worst ever is nearly evenly split between GW and Nixon, which is a pretty hard choice, cuz they were both TERRIBLE. So, what looks, on the surface, as obvious, shows that nothing has really changed. The Pubs have 'mono-vision' when it comes to 'good and bad', and the Dems split their opinions between several good Dems and more than one bad Repub. Bottom line, Obama's 'terrible' numbers are still DOUBLE what Bush's were when he was run out of town with 2 unpaid for wars and a crashing economy. Nothing new here...


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