A few days ago, right after the Paris attacks,

I predicted, here on my blog, that Bullshit Mountain, PARP, FOX, (or whatever you prefer to call the overflowing colostomy bag masquerading as 'news for the sheep'), would find a way to blame/tar Obama for the attacks of Syrian born terrorists, living in Belgium, upon the French. WOW, I knew the rightwingnut jerkwads would pile on the prez, but I had no idea how FAR they would go to blame the whole situation on him. UNbelievable, as the 'talent' at FOX is falling over themselves to shovel the most swill to the sheep. Just check out the dozens of articles, today, from Bullshit Mountain, where it is ALL anti-Obama/Dems ALL the time, but this is a whole new level, as the results of GW and The Dick's Big Adventure in 'Kicking the Hornet's Nest' comes to it's logical fruition. I said UNbelievable, but what I mean is TYPICAL. Nothing new here, but the LEVEL is 'off the chart' even for PARP, the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party.


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