Hmmmm, I've seen that before

The video of a Chicago cop shooting a black teenager, SIXTEEN TIMES was confiscated by Chicago police, from a Burger King that showed the kid was walking away when he was shot. Sorta like DOZENS of security videos from the area around the Pentagon, where an 'airplane', that left evidence that looked just like a missile, hit an uninhabited section, on the day that 'The Dick' Cheney was 'in charge' (only time ever) of the Air Force, during 'practice scenarios'. Don't believe it? Look it up, IF you're able. LOTS of information out there. Not ONE video, from the entire area survived the Feds efforts to confiscate ALL the videos in a several mile area, where witnesses claimed they saw a missile, not an airplane, hit the building. And, from the hole in the building, which was rapidly covered, then demolished, the 'airplane' had no wings or engines, (see pic) or luggage with it. Bottom line, the Bushies(R) got the war they wanted, oil jumped ten-fold in price, and the rest is history. Go ahead, look it up, I dare ya'....


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