If there was ever a 'litmus test',

between reality and FOX/PARP, it is 'climate change', which is supported by over 97% of climatologists, BUT, is denied by the Big Oil, Big Money 1%, who pay FOX/PARP to lie to the sheep. And the sheep 'eat it up'. Insane, but real, as Rush and Sean use politics to obscure what is OBVIOUS to anyone with a logical brain.
There are over 180 world leaders currently meeting, to save our air and water, while FOX/PARP denigrates the efforts, with the Koch Bros, and their massive oil based business interests FIGHTING to keep the sheep 'in the dark' for their own profits. Nothing new here, and nothing wrong with oil based energy. BUT, let's be REAL! The planet is definitely warming, no matter what FOX/PARP tells the sheep.
PS.  PARP=Propaganda Arm of Repub Party. And they are GOOD at it!


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