I need to do some research,

and find out the biggest manufacturer of BOMBS. Cuz you never know, the Koch bros may use their fortune (in a secret, devious plot, like Stepford Wife technology?) to turn the nation into a bunch of Zombies, with brains of mush, who mindlessly stare from the couch at FOX/PARP, and BELIEVE the lies, joining the rest of the sheep. If so, The Donald, or some other joke(R) will be prez, and the US will bomb everything in sight, as that is the Repub solution to every problem, cuz they don't realize that indiscriminate bombing, (that they LOVE to do) CREATES more terrorists than it destroys. Bombs are expensive, and the companies who make them, (General Dynamics, Haliburton?), are gonna be HUGE.
SO, if you see some new Koch bros project, that sucks/destroys brain cells, BUY bomb making companies, and you'll be RICH! Hopefully I'll be able to see it coming, and make enough money to leave the country, cuz if one of the Pub clowns actually WIN, we'll look back on 2008, (when the Bush(R) policies 'hit the fan', and wrecked the US economy), as 'the good ol' days'. Hasta la vista, baby...

BONUS QUESTION. How many TONS of bombs were dropped on Viet Nam, before the generals bailed out of Saigon, in disgrace? ANSWER- 600.000 bombing missions dropped SEVEN MILLION TONS of bombs on the small country, before US public opinion, and the NVA, forced Nixon(R) and pals(R) out of Viet Nam, in defeat. The lesson was learned, UNTIL, GW(R) and The Dick(R) attacked Iraq, but you already knew that... Now, the Pubs are calling for MORE BOMBS, after the terrorists hit Paris. Nothing new here, but OMG!


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