Just opened FOXNews on-line,

and, just as I predicted, after the Paris tragedy it is ALL anti-Obama, cuz he hasn't/isn't/gonna do the right stuff, to prevent suicide bombers, which, according to PARP, is MORE bombs, and using their preferred semantics, when referring to the enemy. Yup, according to Bullshit Mountain, a Syrian, living in Belgium, planned a bombing in Paris, and was successful cuz OBAMA hasn't been able to annihilate ISIS, after GW and The Dick created them. SOS (same old shit from the Fair and Balanced rightwingnuts who blame Obama and the Dems for EVERYTHING bad in the world, after THEY unleashed the hounds of hell in the middle East. Nothing new here, but at least they are consistent, with their bullshit. I am SO sick of their crap, as they use tragedy to catapult their propaganda.
PS Speaking from the safety of a country that hasn't been hit during Obama's presidency, one of the FOXClowns has this to say,
Paris is the final straw. Obama’s exemption from reality has expired. He must either commit to leading the free world to victory, or step aside so someone else can.
And the sheep eat it up, in their desperate attempt to return to the scene of the crime, which they slithered away from, with a 22% approval rating in 2008. Remember?


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