On Jeopardy tonight

the final question was, who was Noah's wife? The mother of the only male human males left on earth.  Well, nobody knew, cuz it's just another made up story, that hardly anyone pays attention to, UNLESS, you are a rightwingnut, 'easy marks' for Pub BS, and even most of them don't know. The MOTHER of ALL people, that nobody knows?, after Adam and Eve's descendants were wiped out? If it was REAL, wouldn't we ALL know and care?, but we don't, for obvious reasons...
Just another 'fairy tale', like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, that the sheep buy into, in SPITE of all logic. Sorta like their prez candidates, who prey upon them, for votes.
PS Do you know the female part of the myth? Your MAIN ancestor? I didn't think so....


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