For those rightwingnuts who don't know, OR,

are willfully ignorant, this entire MidEast insanity started, after 9-11, when THREE Afghans, and FIFTEEN Saudis caused 9-11. GW and The Dick invaded Afghanistan, then killed thousands in Iraq, inflaming the entire region, and removing the only stabilizing influence, Saddam Hussein, while creating thousands (or many more?) of suicide bombers who hate the US, with good cause.
NOW, the rightwingnuts(R) blame the situation on Obama, who inherited the wars, and crashed economy, left over from the Bushies. And this makes sense to the sheep? ONLY if you listen to, and believe FOX/PARP. Insane, but SO Republican.
 BTW, do you know what PARP stands for? Guess. Hint: Propaganda...


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