After being indoctrinated to hate,

by FOX/PARP, Carli Fiorina and the rest of the anti-choice, anti-woman conservative crowd, rightwingnut Robert Dear drove to a Planned Parenthood facility and opened fire, killing three and wounding many others, in his protest against a woman's choice to end an unwanted pregnancy. When faced with the consequences of his party's hateful rhetoric, the right-wing darling, Ted Cruz, in an effort to shift the blame and muddy the waters, had this to say,

Ted Cruz Calls Alleged Planned Parenthood Shooter 'Transgendered Leftist Activist'

I was going to comment here, on the idiocy of the comment, but, 'If I gotta explain, you wouldn't understand'. Nothing new here, but just when you think the Repubs can't get any worse, or more out of touch, they always do.


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