As I look back on the War Criminals among the Bushies

most are obvious, like Rummy and The Dick, I don't think Colin Powell was part of it, knowingly, BUT, I really wonder about Condaleeza Rice. At first I thought Condi was conned, but the more I look at it, I think she's GUILTY. Just too much evidence against someone who's obviously intelligent, and didn't resign, in disgust, like Gen Colin Powell. The rest of them? They oughta be tried, before being sentenced to prison, cuz that's what should happen to OBVIOUS 'war criminals'. Just look up the definition, and tell me The Dick and Rummy aren't GUILTY!
It's obvious to any thinking human, which doesn't include the sheep, who get their 'news' from PARP. Nothing new here, but kinda sick, when you realize that in The South, people go to jail for smoking pot, while these criminals are 'heroes'. Welcome to PubWorld., where starting a war, based on lies, is no big deal, BUT, a 'private server'? OMG! Indict her!


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