Did you know?

According to FOX/PARP, Obama is deporting Christians and importing Jihadist Muslims who wanna 'blow us to kingdom come'. What else would you expect from a Kenyan born Muslim? Yup, that's the story line from Bullshit Mountain, where the sheep get their 'news' and stay 'riled'.
I'm trying to live 'healthier', which means controlling my blood pressure, so I'm trying to spend less time with Roger Ailes' Frankenstein creation, FOX/PARP news, but, just glancing at their headlines, and realizing the number of sheep who take them seriously, as 'real' news, is pretty sickening. Oh well, haters gonna hate, and sheep gonna swallow swill. Ain't nothing I can do, other than what I'm doing, as I alternate between laughing and crying....


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