Am reading 'Lights Out', by Ted Koppel,

about the effects of a possible terrorist hack into the electrical grid of the US. Ted claims it's not IF, but WHEN, cuz the 'worms' are already in place and the internet-connected system is so old, large and relatively unprotectable, it could cause a major calamity, that would last for months, not days. Pretty scary book, that took him over 4 years to write, with well-documented interviews with those in the power industry, from govt and private entities. They basically agree that it COULD be done, and we wouldn't even know who did it. Could be Russia, China, Iran, N Korea, ISIS, Al Queda, or just some lone wolf who wants to prove something.
North Korea recently took down SONY Pictures, cuz they didn't like Seth Rogan's, 'The Interview', and they had spent over a hundred million on securing their system, but just ONE insecure path, among the thousands who had access, left them open. The experts say the power grid would be much easier to hack, and the US 'opened the door' when they hacked Iran's centrifuges and caused thousands of them to self-destruct.
Not much we can do, other than be prepared as best we can. After working several 'storms', incl Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ike, I know how valuable and necessary gasoline is, (with LONG lines until the gas stations go dry) SO, am gonna fill up my 5 gal gas cans and make sure my generator is running well. I think I could survive better than most, even if we had to live on Canadian geese and mallards, that fly over my house every day, with rabbits as a back up. May have to get a water purification kit for the lake water on the golf course, Who knows, could be a real interesting adventure, but I think the East Coast grid, which extends to the middle of the country, is a much more likely target....


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