After Rick Perry's 'Duh' moment in the last election cycle,

you'd think an elected Texas rightwingnut wouldn't try to list the govt agencies he was gonna cut, during a national debate, and FORGET one of them. But Ted 'Sleazeball' Cruz didn't let his gaffe slow him down, though, as he listed Commerce twice, and forgot the last one. After the latest Repub 'duck and dodge-fest' MAYBE they are leaning toward picking a favorite, and MAYBE one that actually has some experience. The Pubs should actually be two separate parties, one far right and one WAY far rightwingnutland. Because of that, they can't get anything done, BUT, if they separated, the logical, rational party, the Dems, would dominate politics, just like they do public opinion. SO, the Pubs slog on, with gazillionaires picking their faves and buying votes for them, cuz the Supremes(R) say it's legal, in their Bizarro world, and we suffer as a nation, where greed in medicine and the military suck up most of the nation's budget, with their subsidies to Big Ag, Big Oil and Big Money padding the pockets of Big Business. Nothing new here, but will be interesting to see which of the clown car candidates can make an unholy alliance with the rightwingnuts, and curry the favors of the gazillionaire 'kingmakers'.


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