In an effort to appeal to their base,

which is Southern Bible Belt, high school drop-outs, FOX/PARP has an article for those who wonder what Heaven and Hell look like. Yup, someone has compiled a bunch of near-death experiences, and put them in a book. ALTHOUGH, the last couple of Best Sellers on the subject have been shown to be (HUGE money making) frauds. Who da thunk? Anyway, FOX/PARP is offering a peek, for those who can't wait for the 'surprise', with a glowing review of the book.
I'm all for it, as long as it keeps the sheep from actively campaigning for Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum and some of the other rightwingnut heroes, who claim the founding fathers were devout Christians. I challenge one of them to read Thomas Jefferson's Bible, which is very 'special'.


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