Now we know more about Robert Lewis Dear

the shooter at Planned Parenthood, in the Springs, and it's just like I thought/said, as he was yelling anti-Obama crap and screaming about 'baby parts'. Let me take a wild guess. I would bet ANYTHING he is a faithful FOXNews listener, as they use heavily edited videos, attributed to PP, (that WASN'T from them), but Carli, and the clown car candidates, use it for political purposes and the rightwingnuts 'rise up', get a gun and try to be a hero to the sheep. Sickening, but it's the fruit of a poison tree, known as Bullshit Mountain, who preaches that every nut job should be able to buy a gun. Nothing new here, as we get more of the SOS from PARP, and the ignorant sheep strike again.

PS All the pics of FOX, with their Planned Parenthood Pics/diatribes on-line have been 'taken down' by FOX, after I posted pics, that WERE available. I wonder why????? Sleazeballs.....Click on little pic below and see what you get from FOX.


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