Wow, if you believe FOX/PARP,

(and WHY would you?), you'd think the US mainland was a post-apocalyptic, smoldering landscape, laid barren by terrorist bombs, economy in ruins, cuz of that damn America-loathing Muslim in the White House. Bullshit Mountain, who NEVER lets facts intrude on a good 'hate piece', paints the pic of a failed govt/security system, with bomb wielding Jihadists loose on every corner in every city, and the sheep are screaming for 'protection' from a prez who sold out the country, after an idyllic administration(R) before him. Same Old Shit from the Same Old Shitters, who live in the fairyland world of FOX/PARP. And the sheep eat it up, while hoping The Donald or The Dr can 'FIX' things. UNbelievable, but SO Republican, where a triple digit IQ automatically excludes you....


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