IF you read/believe FOX/PARP

you know that Hillary just got busted with another 'scandal', involving foreign countries, taxes and financing. BUT, if you read the 'real news', you know that the Clinton Foundation voluntarily decided to separate the donations into foreign/domestic, that help impoverished people around the world, in the detailed bookkeeping that goes with an international charity. GW(R) never had that problem, cuz he just wrecked lives, and doesn't really worry about helping them, with his busy painting schedule, unless it's the occasional bike ride with those who lost limbs in his war, based on lies, although he does take the occasional bow, before the execs of Big Oil, whose stock went up TEN-FOLD under his reign. BIG difference, as Bullshit Mountain bitches about Hillary's charity, while heaping praise on W's charitable bike rides. Would be funny, if not so sad...


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