In typical FOX/PARP fashion,

when Bin Laden was killed, Bullshit Mountain distanced Obama from the act, giving the Special Forces all the credit, although the prez gave all the direct OK's and orders involved. BUT, when some terrorist psychos, spawned by GW and The Dick(R), living in Belgium kill innocents in France, FOX/PARP act like Obama personally bought the explosives and bullets. And the sheep eat it up, blasting the prez on Facebook with the rest of the flock 'liking' it, as this is all 'logical' to them, while acting like the French are their best pals, in spite of all the ANTI-French rhetoric, cuz the Frenchies didn't join them(R) in their illegal war. Wow, stupid/ignorant is 'too kind' to describe the Freedom Fries eating rightwingnuts, getting their 'news' from PARP.
PS Speaking of the sheep 'eating it up', it's obvious from the size of their asses, they have been eating LOTS of freedom fries, during their protest against 'all things French', in honor of GW. 


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