'Dr" Ben Carson is fading away,

as he should, but The Donald still drives the clown car, with Ted 'Sleazeball' Cruz jockeying for position, rising in favor with the evangelicals. My prediction is that the clowns will fight, tooth and nail, with LOTS of lies, slander and a HUGE amount of bullshit, until Marco Rubio gradually replaces Cruz, who will fade once he reaches the national stage and must appeal to more than a bunch of Bible Belt fanatics. The Donald MAY form a third party, with his monstrous ego taking over any allegiance to the Party of NO! We'll see, but it should be fun to watch, as Trump continues to make up facts and history, which is the hallmark of the Pubs, as they have to do/say something, other than BENGHAZI!, which even the sheep must be tired of hearing by now, after 15 Congressional hearings that all say the same thing, which is, 'Shut up and go home, there's nothing there'....


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