Warren Buffett is known to be

an intelligent, billionaire investor, with conservative ideas. He is also from Nebraska, which is hard-core, right-wing, FOXNews sheep country, whose economy depends on govt MANDATED, subsidized ethanol. SO, it is pretty interesting that he is campaigning in his home state next month, with...... Hillary Clinton. Like The Donald, who says the same thing, the nation's economy does (much) better under Democrats. Not even arguable, if you look at all the economic data, going WAY back. SO, why do the sheep not know this? It's because of Bullshit Mountain, who muddies the waters and just LIES, when it comes to the facts, cuz FOX/PARP will say/do ANYTHING to elect Pubs, which is their sole reason for existing.
Nothing new here, but it's nice to have it confirmed by someone who actually knows, 'of what he speaks'. Warren Buffett, a billionaire with a conscience. Something almost unheard of these days, as the Koch Bros spend hundreds of millions, legally buying votes, (cuz the Supreme Court(R) says they can), in an attempt to kill the EPA, who stands in the way of their Big Oil Empire.


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