What's obvious to most of us,

but not to the sheep of FOX, (or PARP, Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party), is that when the Kochs, and other gazillionaires give obscene amounts of money to 'buy votes', (legally, since Citizens United, rubber stamped by the Supremes(R), they expect something in return.

Elections are about a lot of things, but at the highest level, they're about money. The people who sponsor election campaigns, who pay the hundreds of millions of dollars to fund the candidates' charter jets and TV ads and 25-piece marching bands, those people have concrete needs. They want tax breaks, federal contracts, regulatory relief, cheap financing, free security for shipping lanes, antitrust waivers and dozens of other things.
OBVIOUS, to everyone, except the minions of PARP, who ironically are the ones who are hurt the worst, when they get gouged for medical care and pay a MUCH higher percentage of their income in taxes, cuz they don't have the lobbyists to hand-craft the tax laws and subsidies, like the uber-rich 1%, who support the Repub agenda. Nothing new here but really ironic, and kinda funny, as the sheep vote against their own interests, cuz PARP tells them to.


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