Saw The Lion King last night,

at the Denver Center For the Performing Arts, by the touring Broadway cast, complete with their 18 semi loads of props and costumes. Absolutely amazing production, in all areas. Had seats on the aisle, in the 9th row, which made it even better. Started the evening at the downtown Broker Restaurant, with Ted and Kari, where we had a fantastic meal, and the evening got even better from there. Thanks, kids, for substituting the Lion King, after we were traveling, and missed the Mark Knopfler concert at Red Rocks. I knew the show was gonna be REALLY good, but had no idea how over the top it actually was. Amazing, as we did 'Feel the Love Tonight", with the music, costumes, lighting, sets and sounds just 'off the chart'.
PS The superb cast was almost ALL black, and SO talented and good looking, with the audience being almost ALL white.


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