Finally, he's starting to take off the gloves

After all the crap he's taken from the Party of NO!, whose avowed NUMBER ONE goal was make him a one term president, (nice try), Obama is FINALLY realizing it's just a waste of time to try and negotiate with the jerks(R), and he had some words for them this week, after trying to fix the mess they left, and doing well, in spite of their obstructionism.
"How can you be shocked?" Obama asked. "This is the guy, remember, who was sure that I was born in Kenya. Who just wouldn’t let it go. And all this same Republican establishment, they weren’t saying nothing. As long as it was directed at me, they were fine with it. They thought it was a hoot. Wanted to get his endorsement. And then now, suddenly, we’re shocked.
"What is happening in this primary is just a distillation of what’s been happening inside their party for more than a decade," Obama said, arguing that the chaos in the Republican Party is a continuation of its science-denying climate extremism, unwillingness to compromise and declaration that those holding opposing views are traitors.
"So if you don’t care about the facts, or the evidence, or civility, in general, in making your arguments, you will end up with candidates who will say just about anything and do just about anything," Obama said.
Can we get an Amen?


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