I'm used to reading some real crap on FOX,

but this is 'over the top', even for the clowns of Bullshit Mountain.
An airport with a layout shaped like a swastika and creepy death murals has been labeled one of the spookiest on the planet.
Did you know the 'Swastika Shaped', (FOX never shared the image) Denver International Airport is 'Pure Evil'? Yup, according to the brain trust at FOXNews, there are MANY signs that point to a huge conspiracy, and a 'takeoever' by some unknown, evil forces. Just when I thought FOXBullshit couldn't get any deeper...
To many the pictures true agenda were hints at a "New World Order." Others point to masonic symbols scattered around the airport including a huge stone in the airport’s Great Hall.
The presence of gargoyles is also said to demonstrate that something evil is lurking.
So what is the true purpose of Denver International Airport, if not to usher travelers in and out of Colorado?
Some conspiracy theorists claim it is a giant military base, or even a concentration camp, just waiting to be used to assist in the enslavement of the American people.
There’s also references to a vast underground facility, that may or may not connect to other deep subterranean military bunkers throughout the country.
Just when you think FOX/Parp can't get any worse....


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