Just a coincidence?

The votes are counted, the results are in, AND, the happiest country in the world is,,,, Denmark, where they have exactly what Bernie wants, and the Pubs rail against. The govt provides health care for it's citizens, as well as a college education, for those who want it. OMG!, scream the Pubs, that's impossible!, but most of the top 10 happiest, most prosperous countries in the world (almost all in northern European) 'Just Do It'. and it works. It's amazing what you can do when you don't spend most of your country's money on a hugely bloated military, fighting stupid(R) wars.
The same people(R) claim climate change is a hoax, but we've had TWO days, in the last 45, that were under the normal temp, here in Colorado, while Feb set an ALL TIME record for largest temp increase. But don't worry, Rush and Sean assure us it's all a Lib plot.
WOW, just heard on FOXNews, that there may be shenanigans at the Pub convention, cuz, 'The party is so damaged and DEAD, they have nothing to lose'. No shit, that's a quote from the Pubs. Wow, I'm shocked, that the party of low educ/low income Bible Belt, FOXNews addled double digit IQ Trump supporters has a problem. Who da thunk?


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