Watching the news tonight,

I see that Dallas was just hit by a HUGE hailstorm. This would have gotten my heart a thumpin', when I was a disaster insurance adjuster. It would have meant a couple months of work, that would have been a 'very good year' for income. Gotta admit I kinda miss it, cuz there aren't many jobs where you can average a couple a grand a day, and do REALLY good some days.
The bad news? You gotta live in Texas, which hurts your brain AND body. High school dropout? No problem, you can be a cop, in Texas. Like to breathe refinery smog while you sit in endless traffic jams? You'll love Texas. Like to be surrounded by Rednecks who get their 'news' from FOX? Texas is for you. Love to support GWBush and his stupid wars? You'll fit right in, in Texas. Think college is for wimps and Jr High equals higher education? You're gonna love Texas. If you worship Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity? Are you in luck, in Texas.
Bottom line, wanna step back in time and intelligence? Move to Texas, where GWBush and Rick Perry are presidential material. You think the Bible is a literal History Book the earth is 6000 years old and being gay is a choice? Texas is your place. Wanna see FOX on every TV in every restaurant/bar? Go to Texas.
Bottom line, Texas, home of the Repub party is an INSANE place to live/visit, BUT, you can make money, if you can ignore the insanity all around you. Nothing new here, but OMG!, it sure brings back the memories.... BTW, this is Greaseball country. Ted Cruz for prez? RU kidding?


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