Within the Pub created monstrosity,

the TSA is totally screwing up air traffic, everywhere, after the Bushies seized on the chance to rape passengers, for profit. Thousands of passengers are missing flights every month as the govt stooges check grannies and toddlers for bombs. Israel, in the heart of terrorist country doesn't have NEAR the problems and delays we have, cuz they are realistic, and don't force EVERYONE to deal with the 'security' crap.
Bottom line, the Pubs set up TSA for their buddies to make HUGE profits, in a totally bullshit system, and now we all suffer. If you are a traveler, you know of what I speak. What a bureaucratic mess, as NOT ONCE has a TSA check caught a terrorist, and it costs us BILLIONS (into Pub business pockets) each year. Nothing new here, but it REALLY sucks.


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