Good line from '60 Minutes' tonight

'Statistics are human stories with the tears washed off'.
It was part of a story about the right to die with dignity, when you face a long, slow, certain death, with LOTS of suffering, while you lose your humanity. It's only available in Oregon.
The Pubs love to say, Govt is TOO big and powerful! Let's get govt OUT of our lives!
BUT, the hypocrites(R) are the ones who fight the 'Death With Dignity' laws, cuz they think govt(R) should decide.
They love to tell people, 'Smoke pot and we'll send you to prison', and they DO it.
They also say ALL abortions should be illegal, cuz we(R) should decide what a woman can do with her body, not her.
The hypocrites(R) aren't against ALL big govt, cuz they sure LOVE to tell others how to live their lives, or tell them they can't end it. Total hypocrites, but nothing new here....


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