I was gonna

blog about the ridiculousness/stupidity of Trump/Cruz/Repubs, BUT, after a while it's like flogging a dead horse. Not that I won't so more of it (oh yeah, definitely), but after a while it's just not funny and it's too easy. There are SO many examples of the 'OMG!, how can people fall for this crap', but, when you're dealing with FOXSheep and 'literal Bible believers', it's hard (impossible) to use logical/rational thought as an argument. That train 'left the station' long ago.
SO, it's just a wating game now, and the only question remaining is IF the Pubs can keep the House and/or Senate. I'm claiming the presidency(D) is a given, probably the Senate goes Dem with a very good chance of returning the House to sanity, also. Just imagine what can be done without the Party of NO!, screwing up everything. We can only hope. Have never looked forward to November (except pheasant season, as a kid) like I am this year. GO DONALD!


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