The Pubs love to bitch

and their bitches don't need to have any basis in fact. Along with "Obama has wrecked the economy', when it is MUCH better than the steaming pile that the Pubs left behind, they love to say, 'The Dems are gonna take your guns!, which is total bullshit.
Another of their favorite lies: Obama is acting like a KING, with his executive orders! BUT, like most of their crap, it's easily refuted, with FACTS, as in Letters to the Editor in this morning's Denver Post.
Do lies matter to the sheep? Of course not, they are fed FOXNews crap daily, and swallow it without thinking.
Letter-writer Anne West repeats an often heard complaint from Republicans that President Obama is acting like a king because he has issued so many executive orders.
According to The American Presidency Project, Obama has issued 231 executive orders in his 7.08 years in office. That will be about 261 in eight years. George W. Bush issued 291 and Ronald Reagan 381 in their eight years in office. Obama has the lowest average of executive orders issued per year in office of any president since Grover Cleveland almost 120 years ago.
Get the facts, America.
Don PetersonGreeley, CO


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