Many people incl myself, still wonder, how did Hillary lose?

Then we hear about the 'thousands of Russian trolls', paid to post 'fake news' on Facebook, where over half of the people get their 'news'. Plus, there were the Russian-sponsored WikiLeaks that exposed all the mis-steps in the DNC, firing up the Bernie and Hillary camps against each other.
And this is on top of the CONSTANT bullshit from FOXNews, where SO many low-info sheep get their 'news' from the agency created by the Chief Political Strategist of the Repub Party, Roger Ailes.
SURPRISE! Millions of Dem votes went to fringe candidates and the Pubs absolutely hated HRC, because of her pizza shop child sex ring, on top of BENGHAZI! and 'private server', etc.
After all this 'fake news', it came down to a total of 180,000 votes, spread over 3 states in the Rust Belt, plus the entire Bible Belt, (who'll believe ANYTHING, as long as it's CONSERVATIVE), to put the Orange Clown in power.
Wow! As a result we have (gulp, gasp) President Trump.
Excuse me while I barf....


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