The clowns at FOXLies are in 'overdrive'

saying former Obama admin's Susan Rice 'leaked' and 'unmasked' names of the Trumpies, caught up in surveilance of Russian agents, and the sheep are rabid, with RAGE, cuz their boy was busted, and they gotta blame SOMEONE with an (R) after their name. The fact that the Russians intervened to elect Trump is NO PROBLEM!
Rice also emphasized that in order to “unmask” Americans ― whose names are typically redacted when they appear in foreign intelligence reports ― she had to get approval from the intelligence community through multiple channels.
She never revealed the identities of any of the Trump associates whose names appeared in the unmasked reports, Rice said. “I leaked nothing to nobody, and I never have and never will,” she added. 
BUT, that doesn't stop FOX and the Clown's crew from diverting attention, AWAY from the real problems, with Trump and the Russians.


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