Remember the VERY FIRST THING the jerks(R) tried to do

when they took office? Yup, the NIGHT of the very first day, they met in secret and tried to abolish the Ethics Commission. Surely you remember, cuz it was a big deal at the time. So YUUUGE even FOX acknowledged it...
Well, they got caught, by the light of day, and them damn 'ethics' are still a problem for the jerks(R).
We'll see how much of a problem, when Rep Kevin Nunes is investigated for the scam he pulled with the 'secret info' (from the White House) that exonerated the Liar in Chief, about the Obama wiretapping.
Seems his story is full of holes (LIES) and the ethics committee wants a few questions with the jerk(R). We'll see,,, Ethics and Pubs, sorta like oil and water...
Members of two watchdog groups have asked for a preliminary investigation into the possibility that House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes violated House ethics rules, reports The Hill. He still won't share the info, OR 'give up' the source.
You ever wonder why?


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