After at least 13 former US Intel heads came out against the Liar in Chief

For revoking the security clearance of John Brennan, cuz he voiced alarm at Dotard’s Russian connections, the clowns at FOX, the Orange Clown’s ‘State Media’, immediately jumped to his defense, by bringing up,,,, (wait for it.....) BENGHAZI!,
Yup, ALL problems go back to HILLARY!
OMG, it’s not hard to imagine the‘staff meeting’ (or rather Propaganda Sessions) that go on at Bullshit Mountain, as it must go something like this.
‘Well the dumbshit in the White Hose screwed up again, BUT, he’s our dumbshit, so what should we do?’
‘I know, says EVERYONE, blame it on HIILLARY!’
And another problem at FOX is solved, as they shovel the shit to the gullible sheep.....

John Brennan rallied numerous high-powered defenders to his corner over his security clearance clash with President Trump, but a well-known special ops heroe is firing back suggesting the former CIA director got what he deserves.
Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a former Army Ranger and private security contractor who was part of the CIA team that fought back during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, accused Brennan of putting his “politics” before those in the field.
WOW, how deep did the clowns at FOX have to dig, to find someone from
BENGHAZI? cuz we all know EVERYTHING is Hillary’s fault, in the PROPAGANDA world of FOXLies, where the sheep go, to get the’news’ they wanna hear.....


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