Anyone with a functioning brain, rightwingnuts obvious excluded

can see that the largest fire EVER in California is just part of climate change.
BUT, Dotard, backed by the ignorant morons at FOXNews, claims it is because of Californiia’s ‘environmental policies’.
When asked to explain the insane Tweets from the Liar in Chief, about water being ‘diverted to the Pacific(???) the moron’s minions refused to answer, as Dotard gets his KNOWLEDGE from Rush and Sean, who claim climate change is a Liberal Plot. And the ignorant sheep swallow the crap, as they do with ALL the bullshit from the Orange Clown.
Nothing new here, but the only reason they keep from GAGGING, is the fact that their heads are SO FAR up this asses, denying reality, climate change doesn’t effect them, staying a comfy 98.6 degrees,  wiggling their ears to get a buzz.....


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