Dotard has SOO much on his plate, including his dinner plate,

He doesn’t need to stir up trouble between his base, and decent Americans.
Yup, Agent Orange is at it again, falsely comparing black athletes protests about cops shooting/killing  black men with ZERO consequences and saying it is about Hating America.
When ARE they allowed to protest?
When no one is watching?
Maybe 4th and goal would be a good time to take a knee?
Instead of trying to be a calming influence, ‘above the fray’, the A-hole in Chief has to rally his base, where all the racists in the US know they have a home.
Just shut up, Dotard, and go grab some pussy or something, instead of fanning the flames, like your comments about the CA wildfires....

“Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!

The President sees the issue as a political winner, using the protests to fire up his base. He told attendees of a private dinner last year, "It's really caught on. It's really caught on."

Not all Repubs are racists, BUT, all racists are Repubs has never been truer...


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