Dotard, is proving what an ignoramus he is, by picking on the Wrong Guy

John Brennan didn’t rise to the TOP of US intel, incl the CIA, by being stupid, or backing down.
AND, he knows where the skeletons are buried.
Oughta be interesting as Brennan fights back, now that the ‘gloves are off’.
The Liar in Chief’s main message, to his gullible followers is,
‘Don’t believe what you see and hear’, (unless it’s on FOXNews, the ‘Official State media/Repub Propaganda Netowork’).
Gonna be fun to watch this fight play out.
The Pathological LIAR< elected with the (admitted) help of Putin, and several heads of the United States ‘Intelligence’ agencies.
I’m claiming the Orange Clown is outnumbered, outclassed WAY outwitted.

President Trump is picking on the wrong guy if he thinks the revocation of John Brennan's security clearances is going to intimidate or silence him.  The man who is in many ways the architect of the war on militant jihadists is not going to be easily bullied.
Former CIA director Brennan is not just any critic of Trump: unlike many others, he doesn't come from the left. In fact, Brennan is the engineer of some of the most aggressive American efforts to eliminate jihadist terrorists, and the former head of several US intel agencies.
Bad guy to have as an enemy.

Former CIA Director John Brennan says he believes President Donald Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians and that the president revoked his security clearance to "silence others who might dare to challenge him."


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