Dotard’s personal lawyer, his trained chimp, Rudy

says he wants Mueller’s investigation OVER< by Sept 1, SOO it doesn’t interfere with the Nov elections, BUT, that same clown says the Liar in Chief WON’T sit down for an interview with the Repub prosecutor.
And you wonder WHY Giuliani the Jerk is considered such a JOKE, by the large majority of people in the US?
Rudy says, ‘Bob, wrap this thing up, without the guilty party testifying, cuz he’ll perjure himself into prison, and let’s just move along’.
And the gullible sheep swallow the crap, as ALWAYS.
As I’ve said SO often. Just be patient, and if it takes ‘til late October, FINE, but get that guilty SOB and his henchmen under oath, answering questions about all their Russian connections, with the paperwork evidence sitting under their noses, sorta like Gates and Manafort, two other outstanding Repubs.
Ought be fun, but JUST BE PATIENT.


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