Dotard’s pet chimp, Rudy,

Keeps changing his story, and then claims ‘I got bad information’. Yeah, you believed the Liar in Chief.... Now he’s claiming the conversation between Agent Orange, about Flynn, never happened. Oh really? It’s on tape, you LYING A-hole!
Again, nothing new here, as Dotard and his henchmen live in an alternate universe, where facts/truth don’t matter, and their minions don’t give a shit.
It’d be funny, if it weren’t my country we’re talking about, as they make a mockery of truth and justice, LYING at every turn, and when they are SHOWN their LIES, they just LIE some more.
It’s a Repub thing......

When Tapper asked Giuliani on Sunday to explain his shifting statements on the Trump-Comey conversation, the president’s attorney claimed he had always denied the conversation ever happened.
“You told ABC News last month that the president told Comey, “Can you give him a break?” Tapper told Giuliani.
“I never told ABC that,” Giuliani said. “That’s crazy. Never said that. I said that is what Comey is saying Trump said. I have always said the president denies it.”
But Giuliani’s interview with ABC wasn’t the only time he appeared to confirm the Flynn conversation. He told Fox News on July 30 that Trump had asked Comey to “exercise his prosecutorial discretion” when it came to Flynn.


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