Good letters to the editor today

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy

If you thought James Comey was a hero with respect to Hillary Clinton’s e-mails, and now think he’s a villain after President Donald Trump, you might be a hypocrite.
If you think Clinton needs to get over the election results, but like rallies where Republicans yell “lock her up,” you might be a hypocrite.
If you love the 2nd Amendment, but hate the 1st, you might just be a hypocrite.
If you think Clinton-Lewinsky was an abomination, but can look past Trump-Stormy, Trump-McDougal, you might be a hypocrite. 
The problem is, when I reverse these issues, I just can’t get past my complete disdain for President Trump. I might be a hypocrite.
Scott Oppenheimer, Denver

Science is not a belief-system. All societies make progress in their member’s well-being when they rely on understanding how things work and what things work. Science works because it’s anathema to belief.
One doesn’t “believe” in gravity, electricity, viruses, and people’s need for clean air, healthy food, and clean water.
The other side of the science coin is called knowledge.
Notice that failing countries have little respect for science and high dependence on religion.
Remember the Dark Ages when religion ruled? Remember the religious wars in Europe? When religion and politics intertwine, we’re doomed.
Denis R. Bourdeau, Littleton


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